Another thrilling week here at
Chez DPUTiger.
There has been a tiny bit of sock knitting

Yeah, that’s the Gumdrop pattern from the July 2008 Rockin’ Sock Club with the kit-provided yarn. I’ll bet you never thought I’d knit that yarn/pattern, huh? Well, I saw
Turtlegirl’s and decided I kinda liked them. Once Cristi helped me through the massive brain cramp on the first patterned row, I cruised right along on these socks. Until I put them down in favor of a sweater-finishing marathon.

Welcome to the knitting of the third sleeve on this sweater. By the way? The short row cap sleeve takes for-freakin-ever. ::sigh:: Once I’m done with the cap, though, it flies.
Oh, and why are my needles working on the
third sleeve?

Because Hubster didn’t want to be a Pirate (think Seinfeld). Yes, he was wearing the sweater version of The Puffy Shirt (as pictured above) when I forced him to try on the sweater on Friday night. The next morning, nearly two full skeins (130 yds/skein) of knitting were wound into a nice little (big) cake as that disasterville sleeve was frogged away.
A word to the wise? When this pattern tells you to pick up what seems like a crazy-small number of stitches for the arm? Do it. I literally picked up 1 st per 2 rows between the armpit and the saddle, but it needed to be done that way to avoid Pirate-land.
I will close with a quick (but sincere) thank-you to all who have served in the U.S. military. Happy Veteran’s Day!