Alexis is blocked and ready to be seamed (once I un-pin the pieces from the basement floor)

Second gumdrop sock is on the needles

The sky looked cool while I was chauffeuring the Hubster back from work on Monday

And yesterday (Tuesday), getting home really sucked because of this. No pics of my own, but yeah. More photos on this link.
I had a little yard work to do on Monday and noticed that the bulbs my mom planted along the back fence are a little confused

Here’s hoping they make it to spring!
In other news, I need to start sewing again, and I’m taking suggestions. Option #1 is to make a quilt (probably queen sized) out of these squares:

They’re 6” squares, all different batiks, and there are enough to make a queen sized quilt.
I also have kits from The Quilt Company for:
Daybreak Quilt
Diamond Mine
French Braid (queen sized again)
Help. I need someone to tell me what to do next ‘cause I can’t decide.