Wednesday, March 03, 2010

RT Visits Mount Vernon

If you guessed that the reason we spent Sunday night in Alexandria was because we wanted to go to Mount Vernon on Monday, you guessed right! We both knew that while it would have been fun to see more friends north of Washington, D.C., trying to get from there to south of the City during morning rush when you don't actually have to was just plain stupid.

We stayed at a really amazing hotel that was surprisingly reasonably priced (for the area). I would highly recommend and we hope to have a reason to stay there again! I forgot to take pictures because I was so tired when I got there and in such a rush to get moving in the morning!

Getting to Mount Vernon was a breeze. We were driving against traffic pretty much the whole way, so it went quickly. Tigger got to meet George


Once we got to Mount Vernon, we hustled up to the Mansion. We had 9:30 a.m. tour tickets for the National Treasure: Book of Secrets Tour. First tour on the first day this particular tour was offered!

We got to see the basement of Mount Vernon, which is generally not part of the tours. Several of the bits from the movie were pointed out, so that was pretty cool.

From there, the tour took us to the ice house (boring, no photos) and then down to the “New Tomb” at Mount Vernon where we paid our respects


While at the bottom of the hill, we visited the slave memorial too.


Once we hoofed it back up the hill (good thing I’ve been working out!), we took a tour of the mansion


And then hung out for a bit admiring the truly amazing view of the Potomac River. George was considerate enough to put a full row of chairs under the high porch on the East side of the main house. Tigger took full advantage on the beautifully sunny day.


The view of the Potomac is incredible! It’s a very peaceful place now. I can completely understand why George Washington wanted to spend as much time there as possible.



Bezzie said...

Was there at least one plaque that read "George Washington Slept Here?" Hee hee!

Amanda said...

No plaque, Bezzie, LOL!

I love it there - I went when I first moved here, before I started work. They have even more stuff going on in the summertime! Glad you and Tigger enjoyed it.

I've wondered about that hotel, I walk by it all the time. Never hurts to know a reasonably-priced place to crash if needed if we're in Old Town for a night out. ;)