OK, so the rep weave mug mats came off the loom last week. The next warp is chained and ready to go on the loom. I’m cautiously optimistic that might happen before April.

I think I told you last week that I was waiting for some replacement carpet warp to finish that warp. I eeked out Color B by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

Yeah. I’ll be using the yellow as my skinny warp, thankyouverymuch. I am now somewhat skeptical of weaving kits. Harrumph.
So I worked the Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet Festival on Friday and Sunday last week. In between, our crochet teacher, Sandy, worked the store with me on Saturday. So I busted out my long-snoozing crochet afghan and got Sandy to get my back on the right track. My edges are still wonky, but they’re improving and that’s what this project is all about.

The Miss Babs socks are making progress and are still on my Signature DPNs. They may go back to my Hiya Hiya circs for Tuesday’s plane trip. I haven’t decided yet.

And, finally, Cristi has left me in the dust in our Distelfink KAL, but hopefully I’ll catch up soon. Here’s where I am. Yeah, it’s just a row or two different from last week’s pic. I’ll get there. Eventually.

Hope you’re having a great week!