Thursday, May 05, 2011

WiP Thursday

Holy week that sucks. Tons of stuff to do before I leave for Maryland Sheep & Wool. Running out of hours to get them all done.

And yeah, I’m a day behind on WiP Wednesday. Sorry about that. These photos were taken on Wednesday morning, though, just like normal. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

Itty-bitty progress on the Miss Babs socks …


Another tiny little chunk of progress on the BFF socks …


A giraffe tush … yeah, you heard me. I finished it at knit night on Wednesday night. Now it looks like a gigantic pear. Started its head Thursday night …


And, finally, I managed to start warping the loom. Hallelujah.


This is going to be my first Maryland as a weaver. I hope I find some cool stuff and can stay within a reasonable budget. So I can have leftover cash for my weaving class next month. Geez, that’s right around the corner!

1 comment:

Donna Lee said...

Maryland came up so fast, I'm not prepared. I think I'll have to skip this year.

Warping the loom looks like it's a huge undertaking. I imagine it's very satisfying when it's done, though. It looks like you've got some nice blues in there.