So in knitting land, I’m still wiggling along. Here’s my project as of last week:

As you can see, I was just getting into the red portion of the program. And thanking the stars that this is the start of my last rainbow. The skein ends when I get to blue. So where was I as of this morning?

Into the orange. Yay, progress? Wanna see how long it is?

It was raining, I had to improvise. And that hook is where my super-double-awesome hammock chair will hang when I can once again stand to be outside for more than five minutes at a time. I hate spring.
So why the boring stretches of one-project knitting and minimal progress? Well, I got this for Christmas.

Not sure what that is? OK. Here it is with the cover open…

Yay! I got a NOOK! And I really do love it. I’m reading again. And burning up two library cards at the same time. This makes me very happy.
However, I’ve spent the last 19 days buckled down with some serious reading.

“Supreme Commander” by Stephen Ambrose. And yes, as you can see, the book was 761 pages (well, the glossary and footnotes started on page 720. But still.). It really did take 19 days, but I finished it last night.
I could feel the smile from John Wilson, my college advisor and one of my favorite professors at DePauw. He passed away six months after I graduated. I took three classes from him, in addition to frequent meetings as his advisee, one of which was a class on World War II. I’m proud of myself for finishing this book. Now to take a break with some fiction, then start chipping away at the David Halberstam and David McCullough titles that have been loitering on my shelves for years. Yay, progress!