Sorry for the long blog hiatus. I got a little buried in life and let this slide. So what has been happening at
chez DPUTiger?
I had a gigantic case of writers block, primarily because I decided to write something I really cared about. Story was finally posted
here today. Four days late. I suck. But I’m proud of that story and happy to be able to feature two very special people that I consider friends. One more entry over there, and I’m done for the fall. We’ll see what happens in the spring.
In the middle of all that, I found out that a very dear friend from my days in California lost his battle with prostate cancer. On Thursday morning (in the middle of some massive technological difficulties with the interwebs), I found out that Ted was losing his battle. I cried most of the afternoon. If there was one person who eased my transition with that softball team from “on the outside, looking in” to a full-blown member of the family/staff, it was Ted. Years after his daughter finished her softball career and graduated from UCLA (in 2002), Ted was still coming to games, home and away, from his home in San Diego. Taking pictures. Distributing clip books to the kids at the year-end banquet, recapping every game of the season. Ordering “mom bags” for the new parents. Sending out newsletters via email after EVERY GAME and updates in between.
Today, his youngest daughter (the one who played on those first three teams of “mine”) sent out the last Ted Rahn newsletter to let us know that Ted passed away late Wednesday night, October 27. I feel fortunate that a “sixth sense” told me last spring that something was wrong. Ted told me of his diagnosis then, and we “talked” via email. We talked a bit about our friendship and how much he has meant to me. I’m glad Ted knew I loved him. He was one of a kind in the best possible way. When it warms up next summer, I will mix up Ted's margarita recipe and enjoy a big 'ol glass in his honor.
< / end sad portion of blog post >
Other news, in no particular order:
I had a phone interview for a job last Wednesday. No word yet. I have a feeling that’s bad news. If that’s the case, I’d say I’m disappointed but not crushed. The right thing will come along, eventually.
Two Saturdays ago, I went out to Chicago for the weekend with the Hubster. It was homecoming weekend at Northwestern and since he's a season ticket holder (no, really! He is!) for Wildcat football, he wanted me to come along. It was an exhausting trip, but it was a lot of fun and I'm very glad I went. Even though we had a row of jerks right behind us at the game. (Public Service Announcement: If you want to sit comfortably through an entire sporting event, I suggest purchasing luxury suite tickets or staying at home and watching on TV. Yelling "Down in Front!" at people who get up to cheer on a big 3rd down play or on a touchdown pass is just going to piss them off. Especially if the home team chokes late in the 4th quarter. Either stand up yourself so you can see or STFU.)
I was also able to spend Friday evening with my college roommate, which was fantastic. I hadn't seen Pantooties since my wedding in 2003, so it was great to hang out for a night. Yay, Facebook! (that's how we managed to reconnect after years of distance)
We got the storm-damaged trees taken care of. They brought a big ‘ol truck with a cherry-picker. No other way to deal with limbs hanging over a fence from a tree sitting on a 70-degree slope.

And when they were done, you could see why that ginormous limb came down. A big chunk of the center was missing!

I cut the first three dishtowels off of the loom. They are not giftworthy. I shall try again. Fortunately, there is plenty of warp left on the loom. Hopefully Round 2 will be a success!
All three of these towels are different treadling patterns on the exact same warp. I’m repeating these same patterns (in different colors). But I’ll probably cut apart these towels and may gift them anyway. To friends who have specifically requested reject towels. Who knew?

That’s a broken and (mostly) repaired warp thread in the center there. Holy uneven beat! (that’s why it’s stripey. It’s not supposed to be stripey.

This was the first towel of this set. Ironically, the beat was better. Possibly because it was the most simple treadling pattern. But my selvedges are a train wreck. Hey, I’m a beginner. It’ll get better!

Again with the hideously uneven beat! I will get better. I will get better. I will get better …
In other news, LeafWars 2010 started today. I still have a möbius to show you. And the WiP Wednesday thing. And a nearly-finished snake. I’ll get back into the groove over here. Thanks for understanding my absence.