Spot on the left, big seam in the plaster with big hole in the middle, more stains on the right.
Here’s a picture of that hole
That’s actually the toilet drain. Nifty, huh? Just what you want to see when you're standing in your living room, right?
We’re stuck on this fix because fixing the shower pan is expensive enough that it will make a master bath remodel prohibitive for 5-10 years if we just fix the shower pan.
So we’re waiting for the family friend architect to get back in the office a week from today and talk about The Big Remodel. If the master bath can be redone independently from any of The Big Stuff, then we’ll get cranking on that as soon as we can. If it’s going to be dependent on other renovations, then we could be walking across the house to shower for quite a while. ::sigh::
I’m also stuck on my knitting. About halfway through my first sock with the May RSC shipment, I started to realize that I was probably in trouble, yardage-wise. When I finished the first sock, I weighed it, then the yarn that I had left. The wrong one was heavier.
Here’s where I ran out of yarn last night
No more knitting on those socks until I get yarn in the mail. Thankfully, I have a very generous friend who is helping me out of this jam. Thank you!
(and if you like those sock blockers, you should go here to get your own. Cristi has started producing the Turtle Daddy Sock Blockers again!)
Oh, and my sewing mojo is starting to tickle the edges of my brain. This is a good thing, but I'm stuck here too. The problem?
My basement, otherwise known as sewing area, is trashed. That waterfall two weeks ago went the whole way down the wall into the basement and I had to clear out the back corner by my cutting table. It’s a mess down there.
Fortunately, work is frozen-molasses slow. So I’m going to try to keep chipping away and get that up and functioning again soon!
Hope things are going more smoothly for you!
I'm glad to hear you got more yarn to finish the second sock! I know I would have had leftovers to give you had I broken into that yarn, but of course it's the one skein that's still in the plastic bag it came in.
How did I miss seeing the giant Goodwill Games banner in your basement? I must have been distracted by pawing at your Trekking.
And UGH on running out of yarn. I'm always afraid that's going to happen and I've gotten lucky so far.
One of my favorite hobbies is cleaning everything and putting it in order, and planning what I'm going to make without actually making anything.... ;) I too throw everything around and then take a day here and there to put it together again. We just can't be bothered when we are being creative, ya know?!!
The socks are looking great. :)
Don't the plan the sock pattern to coordinate with the yarn? That would be so unfair. Good thing you have a good friend willing to give you some help. I like the socks, though.
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