Roaming Tigger and I took a super fun trip last weekend. We got up well before the crack of dawn on Friday morning (I’m not kidding. 4:30 a.m.) and flew to Memphis. Got a rental car and drove down to Oxford, Miss.
Full disclosure here. I am extremely lame and didn’t manage to take any pictures of humans. Moron.
It was overcast the whole drive down and through most of the day. We were scheduled for a 7 p.m. first pitch at baseball. But then it started raining around 3:30 p.m.

Yeah. We got really used to that look. It rained off an on until about 9:15 p.m., when the game was officially postponed. It was coming down in sheets for a while. Fortunately, while we had lots and lots and lots of rain and thunder, we didn’t have any tornadoes.
On Saturday morning, Tigger and I were up earlier than our host (but not as early as his parents!) so we were nebby poked around a bit in the living room. Look who we found!

Do you see something familiar? How ‘bout now?

By the time the 3 pm game time (for a doubleheader. Yikes!) rolled around, we had nearly perfect weather. Tigger had his credential all ready to go and was psyched to get to work.

The press box has little bits of real estate shared among the Diamond Club area. Diamond Club tickets have many extra perks, including covered seats, an air-conditioned area, unlimited fountain drinks and a buffet meal. Since we were early for the game (!!!!), Tigger and I had plenty of time to check out all the amenities.

Have you ever seen such a swanky bathroom in a ballpark? Tigger hadn’t either. Tigger thought the sinks were plenty big enough for a bathtub for him!

There are great seats just outside of the glass, but you can watch batting practice or even the whole game from the tables in the Diamond Club. Tigger thinks there’s a great view from there!

You’ve seen
Tigger with the logo on the tables before. They have high-top tables and regular ones, all with the logo on the top

There are tons of little lockers in the back part of the Diamond Club behind the broadcast booths. And when you come upstairs in the elevator, there are signs for when “Servicing” for the next game will be. I had to ask what that meant.

It means that Diamond Club people can
stock their lockers with booze during that half-hour. No wonder Rebel baseball is so popular. There are 324 liquor lockers up there!
Since we knew we’d be booze-free for the duration of our stay, Tigger and I walked around a bit before Sunday’s game. There’s a nice little picnic area over behind the left field stands

And then we were ready for the Rebels to finish off the three-game sweep over LSU! Much fun was had by all, and since we got all three games in and they were all wins, RT and I are cleared for a return trip. Hooray!

We also spent some time at Bill’s house, and I got some great pictures of his dogs. The entire
Flickr set is HERE. Meanwhile, here are some highlights.

Jackson is still Large and In Charge. He’s getting a little gray around his nose, but he’s still totally skinny, all legs, and pretty tolerant of the little hoodlum he shares the house with. What hoodlum, you ask?

That would be Peggy. You saw her
when she first arrived in Oxford and was just a little bit of fluff. Now? She’s just full of personality and doesn’t do a very good job of sitting still for more than a few seconds at a time. Oh, and if you look at the post above and check the Flickr set, you'll see that some things just haven't changed.

But when it’s time for breakfast, she comes RUNNING. Thanks for bearing through the photos of my trip. I’ll have another whack of photos next week, when I get back from Maryland Sheep & Wool. Meanwhile, I have some stitching to get done. Have a great week!