To once again quote an all-time great movie
Let me ‘splain … No. There is too much. Let me sum up …
• I woke up at 4 am one week ago tomorrow (Wednesday) and almost never got out of bed all day. Thursday was only marginally better. Friday, I was vertical for most of the day, but had a relapse on Friday afternoon while shopping in my mother’s closet for the hospital’s Harlequin Ball. I managed to recover sufficiently to attend the dinner to its conclusion.
• I tried to work at Bloomin’ on Saturday. I made it down there at noon and was shot by 2:15. Pathetic. Came home and slept for three hours.
• I stayed awake all day on Sunday. Major moral victory.
• I did not sew or knit a stitch between last Tuesday night and Sunday night. I have the shoulder seams sewn together on the side-to-side vest and I found really nice buttons for it at Bloomin’ before I got sick
• My sock knitting has been Cables & Corrugations from New Pathways. It has been smarter than me for much of the last week, including a day or two before I was sick. It took until this afternoon to figure out precisely what I need to do to marry the master numbers that fit my foot/gauge to the pattern. I’ve done this on several other socks I’ve knit out of this book, it was just tougher than usual on this particular pattern.
• No matter what you are supposed to be eating/drinking when you’re sick (the doc told me to drink Gatorade. Ick.), you want what your mom gave you when you were sick when you were a kid. For me?

Yep. Ginger ale and pretzel rods. Has to be Canada Dry. Has to be pretzel rods. Can’t be twists or any other shape.
• When you’re supposed to be potassium-loading but you hate bananas? Orange juice is surprisingly high in potassium!
• When I came down with the evil bug, the cherry tree in my neighbor’s backyard and the flowering tree in SuperNeighbor’s yard across the street were both flowering and awesome. And the leaves where just coming in on the maple trees over our hill. When I became vertical again? I can no longer see the street across the gully and both the cherry tree and SuperNeighbor’s tree had moved along to leaves.
• We do, however, have this cool-looking tree in our front yard. It’s just starting to switch to leaves

• I played with both neighbor dogs today. You’ve seen plenty of “my” puppy, Sidney. Here’s Mia, the full-grown black lab who lives in the other house next door.

• Must call Landscaping Dude. It’s getting scary.
• Damn good thing I was “recovered” in time for Monday. I easily had 300 incoming emails between lunch and 6 pm on Monday and the volume has only slowed a little bit since then. And can I just tell you how utterly fed up I am with people who DIDN’T READ any of the snail-mail or half-dozen email reminders they received and missed a deadline as a result? And now want special dispensation so they can play too now that they’ve missed the damn deadline? BE A GROWN-UP. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY.
• Let’s Go Pens!
So that’s about it from here. Hope your last week or so has been equally eventful, but not as painful. That stomach bug was a bitch.