First, for the actual knitting.
I still have just two things on the needles at the moment. Ye Olde Postwar Mittens
Sorry the color balance is so bad. Must remember to take indoor photos in the basement, not the kitchen.These got major time during the Super Bowl. I knit four full repeats and only had to "tink" the half-round I knit during the last minute of the game. I would have stopped knitting at that point entirely, but I was afraid I’d throw up if I didn’t have something to do to take my brain off of the game a tiny little bit.
And then, there are socks.

Cloning Anemone Rib, Sept. 2008 RSCI took one look at this pattern the day it came in the mail and thought “Gee, that looks just like an Upstream (New Pathways) sock.
So I’m plugging the stitch pattern into a New Pathways Upstream sock instead of knitting top-down like the pattern instructs. So far, so good, although I most certainly understand why a lot of people punted on this pattern. Every fourth row, you’re doing a 2-stitch cable and it takes
[Prepare to shift gears …]
In other news, lately I’ve been noticing this train wreck or that burning building on the internets. A conservative political group was shut down on Ravelry today, and ooh boy, are those group members filled with hate!
Prior to the election, I took a foray into the conservative camp’s primary watering hole. I was in search of intelligent well-thought-out reasons why the Republican ticket was the way to go. Instead, I found a bunch of people that when presented with a post written by a non-group member, would scurry over to the newbie’s profile, dissect the implications of their group memberships and name-call based upon those group memberships.
In their “say good-bye” thread that popped up after Ravelry gave them notice that they’d be shut down, they flat-out said that if you belonged to pinko liberal socalist communist groups (like the group for The Daily Show) you weren’t welcome and would be deleted/degraded appropriately.
In just a few minutes of perusing the now-locked threads, I came up with these references that were quite normal from what I saw on this group:
“the Porkulus bill”
“the Nazi’s on the drive-by media”
“How about the Nazi newspapers?”
“Why is this any different from Hitler’s plan to create the perfect Aryan race?”
“the Ølibiots”
“Obozo’s destruction of America over the next 1439 days”
“Welcome to the new USSA”
It took me about five minutes to compile that list. The last five are off of the word cloud of recent tags. Tags. As in “subject lines” for threads. There was also an accusation about the Ravelry powers-that-be drinking cyanide kool-aid. Nice.
What was happening in this group that forced Ravelry to “run out of last straws” and pull the plug? Casey (who was called some truly horrifying names in the last few hours of this group) has refused to give specifics, but cited repeated attempts to work with unwilling-to-help moderators. I’d have to guess that the (condoned, if not encouraged) name-calling is a good indication of the problem. Full disclosure: I mod one group on Ravelry. A very quiet group for the LYS where I work. I am quite certain I have no idea what the mods of a “real” group deal with. But the name-calling turned me off of this group on more than one occasion when I ventured in to try to get a sense of a perspective opposing my own on an issue.
Group members insist this is censorship. That they were singled out because the Ravelry brain-trust is a bunch of liberal extremists and their left-wing agenda did not allow for the conservative viewpoint to be represented. That the existence of the “Lazy Stupid and Godless” group meant that its members its name quite seriously. And so on.
I’m continually amazed at how much hate there is in this country. When did that happen? Why? Why can’t people take a deep breath and try to educate themselves about why other people believe something different than they do? I was raised to believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world. In this country, we have unprecedented personal freedoms and our government treats us in a “You’re grown-ups. Sink or swim!” manner.
When I think of our form of government, I am frequently reminded of a brilliant Aaron Sorkin line from
The American President.
“America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"” (thank-you,!)
Just over eight years ago, I watched the guy I voted for win the popular vote and lose the seat in the funny-shaped office because of hanging chads or whatever else was going on down in Florida. I took a deep breath, reminded myself that this is a governmental system that has survived for over 200 years and got over it.
Why do the people on this former group insist that they’re being persecuted? I don’t know. I just hope that our current POTUS can do enough good that these close-minded people* can admit/realize that he’s not actually Satan.
*Let me be very clear: I do not believe that all political conservatives – or all members of the former Ravelry group in question -- are close-minded. That’s simply an observation of a lot of folks I’ve been reading lately who are so convinced that the Apocalypse is here that they can’t take a deep breath and look for a way to solve the current very serious problems. The former group name-changed to “The Bunker” after the election. Probably because they are going into the upcoming three-years-and-11-months with a “bunker” mentality.
I’ll put away my soapbox now, and here’s hoping this is the last time I feel the need to post anything remotely connected to politics.