I was at the Lake all of last week. Eight and a half days, to be precise. I didn’t knit a single stitch the whole time I was there.
So what did I do craft-wise while I was up there? I put two of my longest-standing almost-finished-objects to rest.
First, my
Picnic Plaid.
I first saw this quilt as a class sample made by Mary Ellen Sakai at Bearly Stitchin, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2004 or 2005. I don’t remember.
I do remember that I first made this quilt as a gift for my best friend, Bill. He tells me that his quilt has a label on the back that says “2005” on it. People, this is why we put labels on quilts!
This was a very quick top to complete and I loved the results when I made it for Bill. On his quilt, I put puppy paw prints all around the border and on all of the stripes. When I
visited his
house on my trip from LA to Pittsburgh in 2007, I spied his quilt. It was filthy. He was afraid to wash it. I straightened him out, but was happy it was obviously well-loved and much-used!
Anyhoo, shortly after finishing Bill's masterpiece, I decided I needed to make this quilt again, for myself! I used brighter hues of the same colors and quilted spirals in the borders and stippled the plaid stripes in like-colored thread.

So I did! I probably started it some time in early 2006. That’s pre-blog, so I don’t know exactly when I started it. Just a guess. I did decide to leave the white background squares unquilted. Not sure if I’m still in love with that decision, but they’re small enough (about 4”) that they should be fine.

I used
Printed Treasures sew-in fabric for the label. Purchased at the
J-store. With a coupon. I will certainly purchase again. I doodled up the “artwork” for the label in InDesign on my computer, then printed it out. I think it was a great solution, although it’s obviously a very densely-woven fabric, so it was kind of tough to sew through by hand. Oh, and this was my first label-sewing adventure in quite a while, so I didn’t quite line it up right. It’s a little puffy.

So this was a generally enjoyable project. It took
forever to get the binding hand-sewn down, but I’ve been quilting less and less since I moved (I
really want to change that!!!), so it kind of makes sense.

But dammit, when I edited this photo, I noticed an unquilted red square. One down from the top on the right. I’ll fix that. Someday.