Let me ‘splain. No. There is too much. Let me sum up: Buttercup to marry Humperdink in leetle less than half an hour …
So I alluded to a few facts of my last fortnight in Oklahoma and Beyond. We’ll do bullet points to catch up from there to here.
• It was hot. Really hot. Triple-digits with high humidity hot. I did a lot of sweating and drank my body weight in water. It was hot.
• The Worldwide Leader in Sports hijacked the air conditioned portion of the stadium that had been the press box for pretty much the last 20 years. So all of that hot? I was outside in all of it.
• I wrote a TON while I was there. If you care (and I don’t expect you to) you can find most of my posts
• The team I worked with for eight years won the whole shebang. Awesome. And I managed to make air (on TV) during the championship celebration. Yikes!
• I did my “
Favorite things in OKC” again. Decided I didn’t need a new photo essay on the same subject.
• Also ate at
Cattlemens with my friend Graham. If you look at the reflection in the door of the guy taking a picture of the door, that’s Graham. Heh.

• After my team won, I had a scheduled free day. I went down to Norman, Okla., and had lunch with a friend, then went to the aforementioned
L&B Yarn Co., also in Norman.
• Leslie, the “L” of “L&B” is awesome. We chatted for about an hour while I stitched along on my Softball Socks and the store is so cool. Much fun!!! Here’s a little photo gallery:

Front desk with register and computers

Tigger with the Farmhouse Yarns section

Tigger with the Sekku. A laceweight Noro in pretty colors

Tigger with (most of) L&B’s sock yarn selection

A really bad photo of a really awesome lounge area.
There’s a TV with DVD player above the chair on the left. • You’ll see my L&B purchase soon in a YPF near you.
• Then I headed northward to the
Gourmet Yarn Co., which is close to Lake Hefner on the north side of Oklahoma City. They have changed locations since the photo shoot
here, but the vibe is still the same.
• That night, my friend Karen and I went out to dinner, then hit
Peachwave, an evil place. Tigger had yogurt

• I had intentionally scheduled my trip so I did NOT have to wake up at the crack of dawn. I had an 11:10 a.m. flight last Thursday. Which was canceled. Due to mechanical failure. Which meant another night in Oklahoma City on Delta’s dime. And an a new flight at 5:55 a.m. on Friday morning.
• If you need it eat in Oklahoma City, put
Poblano Grill on your short list. Best fajitas and margarita I’ve had in a very long time. YUM!
• Got on the 5:55 a.m. flight on Friday morning. Flew to Detroit. Got off the plane in Detroit. Flight to Pittsburgh was canceled.
• Parked myself at Chili's and watched the South Africa-Mexico World Cup opener while enjoying a 10 a.m. cheeseburger for lunch

Cool fountain in Terminal A at DTW, the Detroit airport.• Finally got on my 1:40 flight to Pittsburgh. It took off over two hours after I was supposed to land at Greater Pitt. The plan decided I was stinky and gave me a shower on the way. The bulkhead of the plane dripped during takeoff and landing. Lovely.
• Of course, my bag did not arrive with me in Pittsburgh. It was delivered to my house around 10:30 that night.
• Saturday I woke up and worked a full 10-5 shift at Bloomin
• Sunday, I drove to Columbus, Ohio, and spent the day at TNNA. Separate blog post for that one.
I think that’s about it. Even if it isn’t, that’s plenty for one post!