I cast on this project with my just-purchased Signature needles and some stash Sanguine Gryphon Eidos while I was at Maryland Sheep & Wool back in May. It was a simple thing to get going, and I flew through the first two sections of this knit.

The second color was some ShiBui Stacatto, a very nice yarn with a tight twist and a bit of sheen from its 30% silk content. I was still chugging along, and I was still happy.
Then, I added some Bugga! as my third color. And I hated it. There was no contrast, the lighter blue just blended. I’ve since seen lots (and lots!) of Color Affections with little to no contrast, but they really don’t appeal to me at all. So I’m very glad that I ripped and re-started with this wonderful Serenity 20 in Midnight Blue.

Knitting garter stitch is one of my favorite things. I can zip right along and be productive while I’m doing a myriad of other things. Reading, watching sports on TV, pretty much anything. It’s very soothing to me, and I love it.

The shape of this shawl isn’t my favorite, and I won’t knit another one. But I’ll probably (eventually) do another knit from this same designer. Hooray for garter stitch!

Color Affection
Pattern: Color Affection by Veera Välimäki
Yarn/Color #1: Sanguine Gryphon Eidos/Euthydemus
Yarn/Color #2: Shibui Stacatto/Rain
Yarn/Color #3: Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20/Midnight Blue
Quantity: 1 skein each. Had maybe 2-3 yards of leftovers of the Stacatto, plenty of yarns 1 and 3.
Needles: US 6/4.0mm from Signature Needle Arts
Started: 5 May 2012
Finished: 29 July 2012
Mods: Ignored suggested border width. Knit until I was ready to be done That took longer than normal because I loved the Serenity 20 so much.