Hi! I ran out of time to blog yesterday. Sorry about that! I slept in a tiny bit, stopped at
Beach Knitting so Irma could measure a few swatches for me (and I'd have projects ready to start knitting at the Rose Bowl tonight), then went to school and started editing photos.
Gotta do a work-related side note. I used to have a Mac G4 on my desk in my office. I do a lot of design work, desktop publishing, etc. I loved my G4. Unfortunately, I need to travel with a PC laptop (have DOS-based software I must be able to run on the road) and my old one was 6 years old, on its third screen and rapidly approaching death. Our tech people informed me that the only way I was going to get a new laptop was to agree to transition off of my G4 and strictly onto the shiny new PC laptop.
I'm a pretty computer-savvy chick. The problem is that I now feel like I spend half my life waiting for my PC laptop to process information. Days like yesterday take twice as long as they should, because things are not as intuitive on the PC and the damn laptop processes so much slower than my wonderful old Mac did.

Oh, and remember I said I need to be part Penguin to sit at my desk all day? Here's my solution: Fleece socks and lined slippers that look like loafers. Hey, it works!
But I digress.

So we all know I'm a bit of a nut. I work in sports but can't cheer for teams. Except for one. When the player who wears my previous home Steelers jersey signed a free agent contract elsewhere last spring (Antwaan Randle El), I knew I needed a new jersey. I finally decided on Heath Miller (who caught a TD pass on Thursday night!). I also decided that my faithful sidekick needed a jersey. Most knitting bloggers seem to have cats. Eventually, I want a dog, but for now, I just have bears. The stuffed kind. Ain't he cute?
Also want to mention that I'm a little disappointed that the NBC and NFL Network coverage of the Steelers game on Thursday night didn't even mention that Bob O'Conner's funeral (Mayor of Pittsburgh) had been earlier in the day. I didn't know until I was watching the post-game interviews and Charlie Batch mentioned it. I love it when there are nighttime nationally televised games from Pittsburgh. I love my hometown and I love seeing the city show off like that on national television. :)

Here's a pic of the finished neck on my blue pocket sweater. Now I just need to sew the sleeves on, etc. I hate finishing.

Friday is quilting day. During the Steelers game on Thursday night, I pressed all 80 pieces for my Halloweeen Row Robin so I'd be ready to hit the ground sewing when I got to Bearly Stitchin on Friday night. Good thing I did. Last week, I was shoving through my machine so quickly in an effort to get packed up by midnight that I had almost 1/3 of the pieces that needed to be frogged (rip-it, rip-it!) and re-sewn. Pic of the individual pieces and of what the Duck Tracks block off of Quilters Cache would look like when it's finished. I finished sewing all of the blocks last night (sorry, Carol!) then moved on to my black-and-white blocks.

Today, I'm errand-running in Pasadena then hanging out at the Rose Bowl for the rest of my natural life. San Gabriel Bead Company with Lisa and Carol, then picking up alterations in Old Town Pasadena, then Patchwork Penguin for a fun field trip, then Rose Bowl for Bruins and Rice. 7 pm kickoff. Aren't you jealous?
I'll try to take pics of our field trip and blog again tomorrow. I've come to the conclusion that my very favorite blogs are the ones that post regularly and frequently. It's just fun to see what everyone is up to, isn't it? Go Bruins!