Obviously, there’s a little bit of super sekrit crafting going on. I figure that’s true for many people this time of year. It’s certainly true for me!
But here’s what I can show you:

OK, so I haven't taken the time to figure out how to widen my blog to 500 pixels yet. You can click the photo and see the whole thing in Flickr. If anyone with blogger experience can give me baby steps, I'll give the format change a shot!
After starting and finishing the simplest project I took on the trip, I needed something else to work on. Since there’s not much that I make that is more compact than sock knitting, the Gumdrops got some serious time. Arch increases finished and cuff started. I’ve even phased out three gumdrops worth of pattern on the back of the cuff.
Of course, that wasn’t the smartest project to crank on in December, but I hadn’t figured out this next project until Monday night, so it really wasn’t in a start-able place when we were packing a week ago.

This is a STR-Mediumweight mill end that I got in Maryland last May. I can see why the skein is a mill end since it has a few underspun sections, but it’s nothing that I’m going to worry about.
This is going to be a pair of Holidazed for my sister in law for Christmas. I hope. Wish me speedy knitting on this project!
I have photos taken for a parade of finished projects. If I can get my blogging act together, there should be plenty of content over the next few weeks!
You were right -- that is very Christamas-y yarn! Should be perfect for the socks.
I've opted to make photos small instead of messing with the width of the blog, but if you go into your source code (it's scary in there) look for a section marked "wrapper" and changing the wrapper width should help you, and then there will probably widths for your columns, too. Of course, it goes without saying to save a backup copy of your code before you change anything. :)
Those first socks are really cute! I like!
I really like your millend colors! Look forward to seeing your FO's
The Gumdrops are looking good!!
It's amazing how quickly socks knit up when we pay them some attention,isn't it?
I love the gumdrops, those are my colors.
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