WE ARE IN ESCROW!!! After five months on the market, we are in Escrow on our house in California as of this afternoon. Hooray!
Sorry I have been AWOL for a few days. I’ve been running around for two straight days and haven’t had time to sit around long enough to get the photos off of my camera and post.
Well, as
Turtlegirl correctly guessed on WiP it Wednesday, I’m finished with my Bart socks. I stayed up too late on Tuesday night getting the toe finished on the second sock. Aren’t they awesome?
Pattern: Cat Bordhi, "
New Pathways for Sock Knitters, Book 1" Bartholomew's Tantalizing Socks
Yarn: Yarn Nerd 900mHz Tour de France colorway. I purchased from Adam, but it's now being sold through
The Loopy EweNeedles: US2/3.0mm and US3/3.25 mm
KnitPicks 16" fixed metal circs
Start/Finish: 25 Sept/9 Oct 2007
Mods: More of a screw-up. I misread when I was supposed to change from the larger to the smaller needles on the first sock. Got it right on Bart II
And, I’ve already started my next Cat Bordhi sock. It’s the Dove pattern, which is an Upstream architecture. Toe-up, pretty simple with a cool stitch pattern on the leg. Of course, I say it’s pretty simple as I’m knitting from the toe to the arch expansion. Ask me again in a day or two.

Yarn is my Claudia Handpainted in the “Steelers” colorway.
Other things I’ve puttered with since my last post:

RT and I field tripped to the “
J-store” and used my 50% off coupon to buy a bolt (yes, a 40-yard bolt) of
Warm and White, my favorite all-purpose batting. I’m all stocked up for the foreseeable future. Yay!
Also on Tuesday, I was sitting in my usual spot in the TV room and looked up, only to see some really awesome colors out my window. So I went upstairs, opened a window and snapped some Pittsburgh sunset shots. Not as good as my Lake bunch, but the sky was pretty impressive.

The other exciting thing was in today’s mail. I read a lot more knitting blogs than quilting ones, but I’m finding more and more quilters. And one of them,
Teresa, has started dyeing her own FABRIC!!! About two weeks ago, she was describing one of her first sessions with the dyepot and mentioned that she’d have something fun in store for commenters on that post. You’d better believe that I commented in a hurry!

It was overcast and raining all day today, so I couldn’t get a decent natural light photo. I haven’t measured but it looks like a half-yard of a beautiful turquoise fabric. SOOOO PRETTY!!! No clue what I’ll do with it, but you’d better believe I did a happy dance when I opened the envelope!
Mom and I field tripped to the UPMC
sports complex this afternoon, then went to
South Side Works for
lunch. I got a second pair of these sandals:

REI. Because I completely fell in lurrrve with the pair pictured above. It’s shocking to me, but I’ve started to pass up my beloved
Rainbows in favor of these sandals. Since the Tevas are not leather, I don’t have to worry about a little damp. I'm overprotective of my Rainbows that way and the Tevas have molded to my feet same as the Rainbows do. Actually, it’s now too cold for sandals, but still. It’s worth it to have a spare pair because these are SO GREAT.
I freely admit that I’m a wuss, but after eight years of living in Los Angeles, a temperature swing of 87 on Tuesday to 50 today has me shivering and layering polar fleece. Now I admit to loving sweaters and layers and all that, but give me a little time to adjust, m’kay?
Oh, and what’s the unwritten rule about replacing things you have misplaced? (reference the last three graphs of
this post)

*sigh* Baxter is wearing the new pair. RT and SAH Eeyore wearing the old ones. I found one the morning we left for Arkansas (in a sock knitting bag I hadn’t used in a few weeks) and the other one this afternoon (in the pocket of my raincoat). Oh well. :(