Then I wanted to do a little housecleaning (It’s out of control. We desperately need to find a maid service here. I'm horrific at housecleaning and I hate it. I will give up yarn/fabric money to get someone to do it for me.) and I reeeally wanted to do some quilting. I’m sadly, pathetically behind on my M&Ms, and that’s not fair to my friends in California.
[We shall not mention that those terrible people are all at Asilomar. I’m so envious I can hardly see straight]
But that’s not what happened. Let’s back up a bit.
On Friday night, the hubster and I went out for dinner at South Side Works. While we were there, I stopped at REI to shop. It’s one of my very favorite places to browse, and yes, I’m a member. They had a good chunk of stuff on clearance and we found Derf a new hat. See?

Yeah, I know I’m capable of knitting something similar. And someday, I will. Meanwhile, I’m quite happy to have gotten a nice fleece-lined TurtleFur earflap hat on clearance, thankyouverymuch.
Anyhoo, after food, we went to Heinz Hall for a little culture. Then home. Saturday, I worked at Bloomin’ Yarns while the Hubster had his crash-and-burn day. Remember I told you how different each individual skein of a single Farmhouse colorway can be? Looky here:

Those are all Fannie’s Fingering Weight in the Kalidescope colorway. Honest Injun. I promise! This is why you should select your Farmhouse sock yarn in person! And, if you want, you can pick them out with the help of Carol Martin, the owner of Farmhouse Yarns! She’ll be at Bloomin’ for their anniversary sale on Friday and Saturday, April 4 & 5 (and if you come on Saturday, you can see me AND have birthday cake!)
Anyhoo, on Sunday, it was my turn to crash and burn. I slept until 11:30 am and came downstairs to finish the first Fountain Foxglove sock. Check.
That’s where my list for the day ended. I wound up needing a nap that afternoon, which was nice. We did leftovers for dinner and I went to sleep at a reasonable hour.
But this morning? Instead of my normal AM groggy, I feel like somebody punched me in the throat. Not just a sore throat, but an ache. I wanted to take a nap this afternoon, but I never pulled it off. I did manage to accidentally help Sid (my cute furry next-door neighbor) break her collar. Oops. All is well though, and it’s time for me to go to sleep. Nighty-night!