This was my fifth trip to MDSW. And let’s face it. I have a ridiculous stash. I really wasn’t shopping for yarn, but I did have a few things in mind for purchase before I left.
Here’s the whole group of purchases

As for the things that I didn’t take close-ups for… I purchased
Sheep Incognito calendars for this year and next year, I got Lemon hard candy from the Bee Folks, and

I got two flavors, Butterbean and Bamboo. I’d purchased bamboo last year and really loved it, so I knew I wanted to get that one again. After yummy round of tasting (around a very “challenging” customer who made the process take twice as long as it should have), I decided on Butterbean for my second pound for this year.
I also did not photo the skein of Socks that Rock Lightweight that came home with me. If I have my act together maybe you’ll see it for Yarn Pr0n Friday.
My first purchase of the festival was a replacement for a
previously purchased pig. (it's in the group shot near the end of that post)

The original was purchased on my very first trip to MDSW, and took a nose dive off a table onto a hardwood floor when my niece was first mobile. Oops.
My next purchase was a repeat from last year. My friend Jennichrys introduced me to The Lion Potter last year. The mug I bought from him last year? I’ve probably used it 200 mornings out of the last calendar year. So I figured it was a worthy repeat purchase this year. It’s very hard to see the detail, but it’s black with multiple dragonflies stamped on the outside.

Last year, I purchased an inkle loom. This year, I got a better shuttle for it. I decided to pick a very pretty one from Kessenich. Maybe this year, I’ll actually use the thing!

Last year, my very good friend CelticQueen bought a Wacky Woolies bag, and I thought it was awesome. She was nice enough to pick up some Wacky Woolies accessories at Rhinebeck, but I decided that I still needed a bag.

And what is that peeking over the top there? I splurged on a
Signature Needle Arts needle. A US 6, 32” with 5” tips. It already has a project growing on that cable, and I’d have to guess that it won’t be my last Signature needle.
The one true impulse buy came near the end of our stay on Sunday. We decided to take one more tour through the smaller barns, and Dianne and I both found nice stuff at
Greenbridge Pottery. This is a small “dish,” that I’ll use for my spent tea bags in the mornings, and it sports a Chinese character for “Double Happiness” which alludes to weddings. Mostly, I liked the color and it was inexpensive so I decided to buy it.

And finally, I’ll share what is probably my favorite purchase of the entire festival. A bracelet I saw on Saturday. Twice. And overnight I decided I couldn’t live without it. I’m thrilled with this purchase.

Brushed sliver. From
Moolenschot Blacksmith. Beautiful. I love it.