Sunday, December 28, 2008

Noro Striped Scarf No. 1

I got a kick-ass new camera for Christmas. Once upon a time, I was the photography editor of Indiana’s Oldest (and Coolest) College Newspaper and liked doing that enough that I tried to pursue a career in sports photography (no! really! I even won an award or two!). As I got going on that "other" career that I'm still doing, I had less and less time to take pictures and it has been nearly 10 years since I shot seriously.

I had forgotten what it was like to hold a real camera in my hands. To balance the lens with my left hand while firing the shutter with my right. To hear that special “click” that’s unique to a SLR (that’s “single lens reflex”) camera. ::sigh:: I might be in love.

There’s not much to say about making a Noro Scarf. So I’m going to let my first goofing around with the new camera tell the story. Oh, and I totally get what Jared was saying about this scarf being at least as much fun to photograph as it was to knit.

I cast on so I’d have a brainless project while I was walking around at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival and it was a back-burner project pretty much from start to finish.

Staying true to form, I decided on a bulletproof fabric on basically a too-small needle

And it was a lot shorter than I expected, so I stretched the hell out of it while it was blocking.

And isn’t my model cute? Baxter did a great job! ;-) Noro Striped Scarf, The Sequel is already on the needles. Two needle sizes bigger!

Noro Striped Scarf

Pattern: Basic 1x1 ribbing, but based off of the Brooklyn Tweed recipe
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden
Colorways: 2 skeins of 252. One each of 205 and 258
Source: Bloomin Yarns
Needles: Knit Picks Options US 6 (yeah, I know)
Size: I’ll try to remember to measure the length later, but I just knit until I ran out of yarn
Started: 2 May 2008 (at hotel just before my first foray into the MSWF)
Finished: 21 December 2008

Mods: I’m a moron and it didn’t occur to me to spit-splice the ends, so I duplicate stitched all the ends in. It worked fine. I also used a too-small needle an wound up with a narrow scarf, but I still like it and it’s still warm. So there!

I love these pictures so much I wanted to hold them another day and show you my other remaining FO first (also shot with the new camera), but I’m committed to bringing you my finished projects in the order in which they were completed. See? I’m just a slave to the blog …


Donna Lee said...

I love that scarf. I am in the process of spinning some yarn to make my husband a scarf. he would never go for all that color!

Bezzie said...

Eee! New camera!! I got new photoshop software so I can kind of identify with the cool factor you're enjoying right now! ;-)

Yvonne said...

I could never afford that camera.

Anonymous said...

Nice scarf. And even nicer camera. Welcome to the Nikon family!

Sarah said...

Dude, you got the primo camera!

(Totally know what you mean about the click. I think I took three times as many pictures today as I really needed just 'cause of that little click.)

Love the scarf. Wish I could tolerate mohair so I could do one in Silk Garden!