My most important non-race note is to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mom. To celebrate, we went to Costco today (har har). How’s that for exciting? Oh, and I gave her my Jaywalkers. They’re just too small for me and her feet are smaller than mine. Happy Birthday, mom!
And now, on to the Race!
Vilnius, Lithuania
The teams were told that they had to book their flights at an official airline ticketing office. All the teams went to the Airport first but the Air France office there was closed. There was one little tiny internet café with one computer. Nathan and, well, mostly Jennifer monopolized that computer, but several of the other teams were hustling as best they could.
Ron & Christina were the first to take the bull by the horns and head to the Air France office in town. Nick & Don went straight to a different internet café. Ron & Christina were the first to get fights booked, but Ron is continuing to have quite the abrasive personality. Nick & Don were the second to arrive, then Azaria & Hendekea. Things got cranky as people were trying to not share their flight information.
Slow-moving Air France woman got Nick & Donald shut out on the first fight and they instantly lost four hours on arrival. Nick was so frustrated when this happened and I can’t really blame him.
Somehow, the very same woman got Nate & Jen on the earlier flight, and then the flight was full. Who knows. Things are weird.
TK & Rachel got a different connection (through Frankfurt) but only a 10-minute difference with the Amsterdam connection. Kynt & Vyksin got this, and Nick & Don were switched to this flight at the Air France office at the airport.
Once everyone actually got onto the flights it became a little clearer. Connecting through Amsterdam were Azaria & Hendekea, Nate & Jen and Shana & Jennifer. Through Frankfurt were Kynt & Vyksin, TK & Rachel and Nick & Don. Ron & Christina are the only ones connecting through Prague.
Amsterdam arrived first, at 1:25 pm. Frankfurt was second (1:35), Prague (2:10 pm) was third.
Kynt & Vyksin actually stopped for a map, which always seems smart to me. Nate & Jen blew the directions to the church. Christina was the only person smart enough to hire a taxi to follow. Nick & Don were first to arrive at the next clue box.
For some reason, Nate & Jen decided to ditch the car and find the church on foot. Interesting choice. Let the insults begin! Shana & Jennifer also got totally lost on the way to the clue box. They also nearly got T-boned by a bus. A bus. Really.
Road Block: Deliver Items
Nick, Hendekea, Kynt, Ron (uh … WHY?), TK, Jen and Shana are on the course.
The first wave of people seemed to find the courtyard for the first delivery pretty easily. From there? Yikes. Nick got hopelessly lost trying to find the hair salon. So did Hendekea, actually, but she found it before Nick. TK found a helpful local to take him around, so they made up huge time there.
First to start, last to finish was Nick. That was very much of a bummer
Gnomes, Gnomes Everywhere!
Find a Roaming Tigger!!!

Oops. Uhhh ... I mean a Travelocity Roaming Gnome. ☺
Kynt & Vyksin were first to arrive and found the gnome pretty quickly. This was a pretty smooth-sailing road block.
Detour: Count Down or Step Up!
Step Up: Stilt Walking (double yikes!)
Kynt & Vyksin – They tried 4-5 times then punted and went to counting. • TK & Rachel – TK was first to finish. Rachel got done in time to make them the first team to head to the pit stop. • Ron & Christina – With Ron’s hernia, you got an early clue that this could be quite interesting. He did take a spill only a few short feet from the end and had to start over, but they were still able to finish. • Nate & Jen bitched a lot, but got it done. This seems to be a trend with them. She's really annoying!
Count Down: count every one of the 717 pickets on a fence (yikes!)
Kynt & Vyksin – They had to re-start at one point, but were first to finish this task and second to finish overall. • Nate & Jen – "Mz I can do this all by myself" was snarking at Nate and mis-counted (88, 89, 100). Karma is your friend on this race. When you snark at others, it comes back in some way, shape or form! They wound up yelling at each other so much that they had to count three times before they punted. • Nick & Donald – struggled a little bit, but they were able to recover. Nick really pays attention and was able to recover • Shana & Jennifer – snarked at each other throughout the leg, had trouble counting and …
Pit Stop: Aukstaitija Windmill
1. TK & Rachel. 2. Kynt & Vyksin, 3. Ron & Christina, 4. Azaria & Hendekea, 5, Nate & Jen, 6. Nick & Don (great to see them make it in at 6th despite the challenges with the Road Block), 7. Shana & Jennifer.
Jennifer seemed really upset about being eliminated and Shana seemed to just humor Jennifer about being upset about their elimination. Can’t say I’m sorry to see them go.
What was WITH that ticketing agent? I didn't think that Nick took that big of an attitude with her, but I was glad that they were able to get the faster flight anyway. Take that, ticket lady!
I can't stand Nate and Jen. All she does is scream and act obnoxious. I did think it was funny that the blondes said they were good at counting. Who ever says that they're good at counting? First graders?
Happy belated birthday to your mom!
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