Last night, I trimmed the 11th round on the Painful Pineapple blocks. I got up this morning and sewed the squares onto the corners, trimmed and laid the damn thing out.

I contemplated doing something a little different than I had planned … negating the blue and red secondary design squares on the corners. But I didn’t.

I sewed the damn thing together, pressed it out, laid it out on my mom’s bed for a photo-op (the “official” sewing room and ironing board are upstairs. I’ve been sewing at the dining room table). Then I folded the damn thing up, took a shower, threw some stuff in my car and headed to Akron. When I get back to the Lake on Saturday, I’ll put the three borders on (white, then red, then blue) and get a backing figured out so I can drop the damn thing off at Quilted Memories. I am not going to quilt this monster, I’m going to get it quilted on a longarm and will be happy with it.
We did go to our final Pineapple class on Thursday. Thanks to last week’s SNAFU with my fabric and I in different states, I was not at the point documented above when I went to class, which was my goal.

But mom was. Grrr … She got half the borders on during class and finished the other half yesterday. I forgot to take a “totally” finished photo. Oh, and she had her sample block plus the 30 she did assembly line (same as me), so she made a second “extra” Pineapple block and made a pair of pillow shams to go with the quilt. Overachiever. Grrr…

We also had a TRUE overachiever in our class. I suck because it’s now two days later and I’m not 100% sure I remember her name, but I think it’s Nancy (please don't hate me if I got it wrong. It's late and I should have written down your name on Tuesday!). Anyhow, she had this top done AT OUR SECOND CLASS.

On Tuesday, she was working on a second set of miniature blocks. Yes, I said miniature. I think I’m gonna hurl. (actually, they’re very nice blocks. I just couldn’t have hacked making a second set of blocks). If I remember right, she used 1” strips, which means each “layer” of the block finishes at about a half-inch. Yeek.
So that’s it for the Pineapple. I’m not sure what my web access is going to be while I’m in Akron, so bear with me if I’m a little slow on the posting or commenting front over the next few days. I’ll do the best I can!