I have a Purpose! (Purpose is one of the songs in Q) … to get this blog post up and running in the 10 minutes before my mom picks me up!
We’re going to see Avenue Q tonight at the Benedum Center in Pittsburgh with Colin and Erin (brother and sis-in-law) and, of course, the Hubster. Hubster and I saw this show on Broadway with the original cast shortly after it won the Tony for Best Musical. I’m psyched!

This is an almost-finished object. I made the pompoms today for my Bright Stripes scarf.
My mom likes to give me a hard time about being Gadget Girl (different from Gidget, believe me!!) but I’ve gotta say that it was insanely easy to make the eight pom-poms for this scarf with this gadget I got at Natural Stitches last Friday. The included instructions are very easy to follow. I recommend this tool for the next time you need to make pom-poms. Totally worth the $6 because it makes the task SO easy.

OK. Gotta post and run. I’m gong to try to get a Turkey Day post up tomorrow, but if I’m lame and late, HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! It’s my favorite holiday. It’s gonna be a great next 36 hours. ☺
We certainly missed you at knit night tonight. Hope the show was fantastic!
I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving! (the scarf looks great!)
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