One of the four projects I tossed in a bag to take with me to Hurricane Knitters on Wednesday night was my purple V-neck pullover. It’s the garment of mine that is closest to being finished, needing just the armpit seams and ends woven in to be wearable.
I was really early in arriving at the B&N Café, so I hunkered down at a table and pin-basted the crap out of both armpit seams. Once the group arrived, however, I didn’t really want to be seaming, so I busted out my other projects and knitted the night away.
Last night, the Hubster had to work late and since my dad was out of town, my mom was at loose ends. So we went and had a yummy early dinner, then headed to Knit Night at Bloomin’ Yarns.
I worked for a while on my second Jeweled Steps sock, but quickly realized that I was just about at the point where I needed to start my heel increases, but was missing my working page of Master Numbers necessary to tell me exactly when I needed to stop knitting the foot and start with the heel/gusset increases. Curses! Foiled again!
A row or two on the new in-progress scarf (Bright Stripes from Scarf Style) took another little bite of the evening, then I caved. That damn purple sweater needs to become wearable!

The good news is that I got one entire armpit seam done, so I’m halfway finished with what’s left of the seaming on that sweater, then it’s just ends. Easy peasy. Hooray!
Last week, SJ was bemoaning her fear of seaming set-in sleeves. I tried to explain to her via blog comment/email how I seam my sleeves, but I kind of stumbled all over myself. The good news? I have multiple sweaters sitting in my basement with the shoulders basted, just waiting for my tapestry needle to stop by. So you get a pseudo photo tutorial.
The sweater you are about to see is Cherry Tree Hill silk & merino (a to-die-for yarn), and it is very low on the finishing list. Simply because it’s a summer sweater. Very lightweight and short-sleeved, but SOOOO soft and drape-y. This is also a sweater that has been in progress for about two years. I knitted the back and front once, then I lost about 75 pounds and two of me could have fit in what I had knitted. So it got frogged and re-knit. That’s the stage where it is languishing now.
The first thing I do is find the center point of the sleeve (highly scientific: fold it in half!) and match that midpoint to the shoulder seam of the trunk. Then pin the corners of the sleeve to the coordinating armpit points on the trunk of the sweater. Ease in and pin all around, so it looks like the purple porcupine (picture a pin-basted sleeve, not a pin-basted armpit seam):

Then whip out some contrasting yarn and do a running stitch about ¾” from where you will be seaming, like this (see the yellow? It's there on the bottom edge):

Here’s another view, from the sleeve side (you're still looking for the yellow, but now it's at the top of the photo):

The basting yarn holds the sleeve firmly in place so it’s not going to shift and get all wonky while you’re seaming from one side to the other. It makes it easy to see if you need to adjust your seaming pattern and take bigger chunks on one side to ease that sleeve into its appointed hole. And it's very easy to pull out as necessary and it holds the pieces together without the danger of getting stabbed by a dull pin. :)
SJ had mentioned that she starts seaming in the middle, then works out to either side. That worked well for her with the CPH. Remember, there is NO SUCH THING as the Knitting Police. If your current method works for you, that’s fantastic. I just thought you might want a look at how I tackle set-in sleeves.
The other good news? SJ's Central Park Hoodie (and Jenn’s) both came out great. Great enough that I now want to add another cardigan to my list *sigh* Go look!
This weekend is going to be pretty dang busy. Tonight, we have dinner with family friends who are in from out of town. (We’re going here).
Tomorrow, a work friend who wound up with an unexpected two-week break in his basketball season is in the ‘Burgh for the weekend. We’re meeting Johnnie and his girlfriend here for breakfast, here. Then going to the Three Rivers Film Festival to see the Maurice Richard movie with my mom. Then we have tickets for the Chihuly Nights exhibit at Phipps (it’s extended to February! GO SEE IT!) and I’m hoping we can sneak in a dinner here.
[Geez! With all this food, I'll be wishing I hadn't re-knit that CTH shell! Or, I'll be spending 8 days/week in the gym!]
Sunday, I have a 9 am call time at the big ketchup bottle and probably won’t get home until about 6 pm. I’ll blog the Amazing Race, then may turn into Rip Van Winkle and sleep until next Thursday. Wish me luck.
In other news, It’s official. Garmin wins the asshole of the year award for airing the first TV commercial with Christmas music. On November 9. I just don’t understand why we can’t get to Thanksgiving before the holiday madness starts. Seriously. The tree was up at the mall already when I got my new shoes (which I luuurrrve) on Tuesday. Ugh.
If you make the CPH, you better believe that the three of us are going back to the kid's section for another photo shoot!
So we were thinking about going to Phipps and I went to their website and saw that you have to have advance tickets now because of the Chihuly exhibit. Do you need separate tickets for the Chihuly exhibit or does one ticket cover Chihuly and everything else? I'm assuming that they want you to have advance tickets so they don't end up with 8 million people in there at one time.
I second Jenn's photo shoot proposal!
Thanks for the tutorial -- but to be honest, I still don't get it. I guess I have to see it done in person. Sigh!
(Look, it's a Pittsburghese word verification!)
Yay for seaming! I expect a cavalcade of FOs coming up!
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